Finals Week Study Hall
UConn Disability IDD
CAREERS & the disABLED Virtual Career Fair
CAREERS & the disABLED Virtual Career Fair
March 9, 2022 l Register Today l 11 am to 4 pm
Hosted By Equal Opportunity Publications (EOP)
- An efficient way to meet with recruiters
- Save time and meet with recruiters online
- Career fair is free for job seekers to attend
- All career disciplines
Sponsors: Comcast NBCUniversal, Fable
Register Here:
For details: 770-874-7807 or
UConn Foundation Shares BA Student Stories
Collaboration with Waterbury Campus: Group Beyond Access
Job Listing for Neurodivergent Talent
Integrate is excited to announce multiple opportunities for autistic talent.
To apply, candidates should review the posted positions and submit their resume to the job posting by the deadlines noted. Upon submission of the resume, candidates will receive an email with the application form and additional instructions.
Apply by Feb 11: ASL Special Interest Housing
ASL Housing is an accessible living community open to ASL students, Deaf, DeafBlind and hard-of-hearing students, and others who know American Sign Language.
Apply in MyHousing by February 11, 2022
To apply, students will indicate that they are interested in ASL Housing on their Residential Life Housing Application. If accepted, students will agree to participate in the housing selection process for ASL Housing.
Questions about ASL Housing? Email