Author: Atkinson, Cassidy
Finals Week Study Hall
Parent Newsletter March 2022
BA Newsletter Apr 04
Wells Fargo Hiring Events
Wells Fargo is doing hiring events for the 150 jobs in March, May, July, September, and November.
For the March hiring event, the event is 3/28-3/31, and the app deadline is 5pm 3/24
If you are a graduating senior and are interested in the March hiring event please reach out to ASAP
UConn Disability IDD
CAREERS & the disABLED Virtual Career Fair
CAREERS & the disABLED Virtual Career Fair
March 9, 2022 l Register Today l 11 am to 4 pm
Hosted By Equal Opportunity Publications (EOP)
- An efficient way to meet with recruiters
- Save time and meet with recruiters online
- Career fair is free for job seekers to attend
- All career disciplines
Sponsors: Comcast NBCUniversal, Fable
Register Here:
For details: 770-874-7807 or