- Getting Prepared for Success (GPS)Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab DownloadPosted on July 17, 2023
- Finals Week Study HallPosted on April 12, 2022
- Parent Newsletter March 2022Posted on April 6, 2022
- BA Newsletter Apr 04Posted on April 5, 2022
- Wells Fargo Hiring EventsWells Fargo is doing hiring events for the 150 jobs in March, May, July, September, and November. For the March hiring event, the event is 3/28-3/31, and the app deadline is 5pm 3/24 If you are a graduating senior and are interested in the March hiring event please reach out to christine.wenzel@uconn.edu ASAPPosted on March 29, 2022
- UConn Disability IDDPosted on March 9, 2022
- CAREERS & the disABLED Virtual Career FairCAREERS & the disABLED Virtual Career Fair March 9, 2022 l Register Today l 11 am to 4 pm Hosted By Equal Opportunity Publications (EOP) An efficient way to meet with recruiters Save time and meet with recruiters online Career fair is free for job seekers to attend All career disciplines Sponsors: Comcast NBCUniversal, Fable […]Posted on March 7, 2022
- Collaboration with Waterbury Campus: Group Beyond AccessEXCITING NEWS! Beyond Access is collaborating with Student Support Services (SSS) and the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) to bring to our Waterbury students an exciting new opportunity called Group Beyond Access. GROUP BEYOND ACCESS Students joining Group Beyond Access will have the ability to participate in interactive small group presentations each week. Here […]Posted on February 4, 2022
- Job Listing for Neurodivergent TalentIntegrate is excited to announce multiple opportunities for autistic talent. To apply, candidates should review the posted positions and submit their resume to the job posting by the deadlines noted. Upon submission of the resume, candidates will receive an email with the application form and additional instructions. Current Openings / Submit ResumePosted on January 27, 2022
- Apply by Feb 11: ASL Special Interest HousingASL Housing is an accessible living community open to ASL students, Deaf, DeafBlind and hard-of-hearing students, and others who know American Sign Language. Apply in MyHousing by February 11, 2022 To apply, students will indicate that they are interested in ASL Housing on their Residential Life Housing Application. If accepted, students will agree to participate […]Posted on January 27, 2022
- Study Abroad Considerations and ChecklistDoes your student want to study abroad? GREAT! This guide has some questions for your student to think about before deciding on a study abroad site! Review important considerations, specific to students with disabilities, for traveling abroad and discuss these with your student. Have your student complete the Study Abroad Checklist once they have committed […]Posted on January 1, 2022
- Tips for Managing Public Speaking AnxietyAcknowledging the Fear: Encourage Beyond Access students to acknowledge their fears of public speaking. During a session, you may wish to help your student brainstorm a list of these fears. Help the student to develop a plan for responding to their fears (e.g., fear of dropping their index cards, solution=picking them up) Practice: Encourage students […]Posted on January 1, 2022
- Learn About Class Structure in CollegeHigh School Attendance doesn’t directly affect your class grade Limits on your technology in class (i.e., Phone or computer) Classes are taught and graded by one instructor Classes schedule for structured for the entire day, back-to-back classes. Teachers may be able to address all student questions during class Students are given textbooks and major supplies […]Posted on January 1, 2022
- How to Reduce Test Taking AnxietyHere are some tips to remind yourself of strategies that you can use to reduce any anxiety with taking tests: Be well-prepared for the test that you must take. Space out your studying over a few days or weeks and continuously review the material. Avoid cramming for a test. Keep a positive attitude. To reduce […]Posted on January 1, 2022
- Student Email Communication TemplatesDear Professor _______, I hope this email finds you well. I am a student in your (Course number and section) course. I have been looking for the ________ reading in the “course materials and readings” tab on HuskyCT, but haven’t been able to locate it. Do you know where I can find it? Thank you! […]Posted on January 1, 2022
- Creating a Vision BoardVision boards are great tools to help students chart their educational, personal, and professional goals. They are simple to make and easy to use. Procedure for Creating a Vision Board: Creating a vision board can be done during part of a Beyond Access session. It will be necessary for either you or the Beyond Access […]Posted on January 1, 2022
- Learn About Using Your Accommodations in CollegeAccommodations in College are very different than in High School. Strategy Instructors will work with new students to use the accommodations given to them. The accommodations can vary and will only be approved by the students Disability Service Provider. Accommodations are a valuable tool for a student at UConn. Learn about the similarities and differences of […]Posted on January 1, 2022
- How to Create Your ResumeBuilding your first resume can be hard because you are starting from scratch. After the first one, you will continue to update and enhance your resume throughout your academic and professional life depending upon the types of positions and companies you are applying for. You may even have many different resumes that highlight your relevant […]Posted on January 1, 2022
- Professional Testing AccommodationsReview the following information for the most common graduate school entrance exams if you will require the use of accommodations during the exam. GMAT Accommodation request is submitted with test registration May take 6-8 weeks to receive decision regarding accommodation requests Download “GMAT handbook” and “Supplement for Test Takers with Disabilities” Complete the “GMAT Test […]Posted on January 1, 2022
- Listening is a Key Component for Fostering Notetaking SkillsListening Actively: Students should be able to “fill in the blanks” and anticipate what the speaker will say next. It will keep them mentally involved, thinking, and actively listening. To determine important information, students should listen for verbal clues from the professor (e.g., pausing, repeating the same point, slowing down at the rate they normally […]Posted on December 9, 2021