Program Fees: Winter and Summer
The Beyond Access program offers services that exceed standard accommodations at the college level. Therefore, to provide the necessary staffing, materials, and resources, there is a fee associated with participation each session.
Program Rates
Beyond Access is offered for students enrolled in classes during the winter and summer sessions. The term of winter and summer Beyond Access matches the length of the winter or summer class session as indicated below.
Students who are working on finishing Incomplete courses from the spring or fall semesters may also enroll for winter or summer session Beyond Access. Please contact Allison Knight at csdbeyondaccess@uconn.edu to determine the correct session for enrollment.
We encourage you to review our financing options, including scholarships and payment plans. Scholarship funds are not always available for winter and summer sessions. Please contact csdbeyondaccess@uconn.edu with any questions.
Refund Policy
Careful planning goes into the development of resources for Beyond Access, which includes extensive training of the Strategy Instructors. As a result, regardless of whether a student participates in the program, the Center incurs a significant cost. Therefore, if a student chooses to withdraw from the program or determines that they must withdraw from the University, the Center offers refunds according to a schedule.
No refunds will be offered after the conclusion of the refund periods stated below. For students beginning the program mid-session, refunds may be granted on a prorated basis based on the enrollment start date.
Program Rates and Refund Schedules for Winter and Summer Sessions
Track I
1 hour / week
Flex Track I
1.5 hours / week
Track II
2 hours / week
Track III
3 hours / week
Refund Schedule
At any point during the first calendar week of the session
Track I
1 hour / week
Flex Track I
1.5 hours / week
Track II
2 hours / week
Track III
3 hours / week
Refund Schedule
At any point during the first calendar week of the session
Track I
1 hour / week
Flex Track I
1.5 hours / week
Track II
2 hours / week
Track III
3 hours / week
Refund Schedule
At any point during the first calendar week of the session
Track I
1 hour / week
Flex Track I
1.5 hours / week
Track II
2 hours / week
Track III
3 hours / week
Refund Schedule
At any point during the first calendar week of the session
At any point during the 2nd or 3rd calendar week of the session
Track I
1 hour / week
Flex Track I
1.5 hours / week
Track II
2 hours / week
Track III
3 hours / week
Refund Schedule
At any point during the first calendar week of the session
At any point during the 2nd calendar week of the session
At any point during the 3rd or 4th calendar week of the session
Refund Appeals
If you encounter a situation that warrants special consideration for a refund, you may appeal the refund policy. Submit in writing the details of your extenuating circumstances and why you were unable to terminate the agreement prior to the end of the refund period. Submit any supporting documentation, which can include a letter from your treating medical professional or a staff/faculty member who can provide evidence to support your request. Appeals will be reviewed by a committee of Center for Students with Disabilities staff members. Once a decision is reached, you will be notified via email of the outcome. All decisions made by this committee are considered final. Written appeals should be emailed to Allison Knight, Assistant Director for Assessment and Enhanced Services Programs, at csdbeyondaccess@uconn.edu.